Ale Boutique Hotel lies in a very central place near to the worldwide Famous KONYAALTİ beach in ANTALYA. The hotel has an outdoor pool with poolside service and bar, an A la Carte Restaurant where Turkish cuisine is served. Room service is also provided, Hotel has private balconies with beautiful overlooking pine trees.
Ale Boutique Hotel provides the best services that include renting a car and a washing service. With 24 hours working Reception, free private parking, room service, and staff with foreign Languages are every time available for your assistance. The hotel rooms are clean and you get all towels for bed, hands,s, and bath every day. You can order a minibar that is filled by our Staff every day, of course, this service is for an extra charge. Also, families are welcome in our family rooms or standard rooms with extra beds.
Ale Boutique Hotel is a wonderful place to spend Holidays in this region.
Terms & Conditions
Cancellation policy
The cancellation policy changes according to date and room type. Please check the cancellation policy as per room type and per dates of your accommodation while booking.
If canceled or modified or in case of no show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.
If canceled or modified later, or in case of no-show, the first night’s fee is charged.